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                US FBA Drop Shipping

                Bluestar logistics has long focused on FBA first trip logistics in the United States, overseas warehouse transfer of large goods and one-piece consignment service. The team is committed to providing efficient, high-quality and safe one-stop cross-border e-commerce logistics services and high-end customized logistics solutions for cross-border e-commerce sellers. It helps e-commerce enterprises improve logistics timeliness, reduce costs, easily cope with multi platform and multi account operations, and avoid logistics risks. At present, it has become an official partner of many mainstream e-commerce platforms and big sellers.

                National Service Hotline:


                Advantages of one-piece distribution:

                1. high threshold: compared with small items, the capital cost of large items has doubled several times. For example, those household appliances, cabinets and bedsteads are often hundreds of dollars, and hundreds of them are shipped by sea. The cost of pressing goods can not be obtained by small sellers, which blocks most sellers from the outside, and the competition is naturally much smaller.

                2. Amazon FBA warehouse does not accept: FBA saves time and worry, with fast delivery speed and traffic support. If it is possible, large sellers cannot refuse FBA. The problem is that some items are not allowed to enter Amazon warehouse. For example, large items with a size of more than 144*96*96 inches or a weight of more than 150 pounds are not allowed to enter Amazon FBA warehouse

                3. the method of overseas warehouse and final delivery has been mature: for example, the emergence of such "warehouse + delivery" service providers focusing on the delivery of large pieces of goods in the United States has solved the biggest problem of large sellers, such as large storage space, overseas warehouses covering the United States, ultra-high order execution rate and guaranteed delivery rate It is only necessary to send the goods from China to the overseas warehouse that has opened the warehouse, and all subsequent operations will be solved after opening the warehouse, which completely eliminates the worries of large sellers.

                4. high profit: This is the most basic and important point. Compared with the meagre profit of small items, the profit of a single large item may be several times or even dozens of times, which is also the most fundamental reason why more and more sellers are turning to "delivering large items on behalf of others".


