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                Does the US cross-border logistics choose FBA warehouse or overseas warehouse?

                2022-06-23 16:55:47 admin 3

                For cross-border sellers, FBA head logistics is indispensable for the normal operation of goods on Amazon platform. FBA head logistics ensures the customer's order placing and delivery operations as well as the transportation and inventory of goods. There are two forms of FBA head logistics, FBA warehouse and overseas warehouse. How to choose? Which is more appropriate? Now, what is the FBA warehouse? What is overseas warehouse? What is the relationship between the two? FBA warehouse is a warehouse built by Amazon for logistics delivery of platform sellers. Platform sellers can send goods to buyers through Amazon FBA. FBA warehouse belongs to the system of Amazon platform.

                Overseas warehouse refers to the overseas warehouse built by the service provider for customers who need to store overseas, or is a general term. Overseas warehouse includes FBA warehouse. Any seller operating on Amazon platform needs overseas warehouse. You can choose FBA warehouse or other warehouses.

                What are the similarities between FBA warehouse and overseas warehouse?

                1. Both ensure the normal operation of the seller on the Amazon platform. Both require the seller to reserve goods in advance and have good warehouse management experience. The seller no longer needs to worry about goods storage, inventory and distribution;

                2. Sellers will encounter the problem of return from buyers on the platform, and both can provide return and exchange services for buyers;

                3. FBA warehouse and overseas warehouse need to be paid, and the seller needs to pay warehouse rent, logistics freight and miscellaneous expenses every month;

                4. Shorten the delivery time of goods, greatly increase the sales volume of stores, and improve customer satisfaction;

                5. The seller is required to deliver goods in batches, and the seller can choose air, express, sea, etc;

                6. Both have customer service, so that sellers can know their own inventory of goods anytime, anywhere.

                What is the difference between FBA warehouse and overseas warehouse?

                1. Range of fund selection: FBA warehouse has certain restrictions on fund selection; The selection range of overseas warehouse is wider than that of FBA warehouse.

                2. First trip service: FBA warehouse will not provide first trip customs clearance service for the seller; Some overseas warehouse service providers will provide the seller with the first journey customs clearance service

                3. Requirements for products before warehousing: the warehousing regulations for FBA warehouse are relatively strict, and the warehousing regulations for overseas warehouses are not as high as those for Amazon FBA warehouse.

                4. Storage cost: the volume is large, and the cost of FBA warehouse is higher than that of overseas warehouse.

                5. Applicable to product promotion: FBA increases the exposure of sellers' products.

                6. Handling of negative comments on products after shipment: any negative comments caused by FBA can be deleted by Amazon, and the seller does not need to worry.

                Where can we provide transportation, customs clearance, warehousing, distribution and other one-stop comprehensive cross-border logistics services. We attach great importance to customer experience. In order to quickly and stably ship goods from China to the United States, we have set up overseas warehouses in the western United States, the eastern United States, China and the Gulf of the United States to ensure that the goods can reach the consignee as soon as possible. At the same time, every order can be tracked in real time through the professional global online system.

