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                What problems should the American FBA Shanghai school pay attention to?

                2022-07-19 11:09:59 admin 2

                With the development of cross-border e-commerce, more and more foreign trade sellers have joined the track of cross-border e-commerce. Since 2018, Amazon's cross-border e-commerce has shown a blowout development. In these years of development, FBA head logistics has grown from bud to maturity. I believe many sellers have also experienced many ups and downs. I think many sellers are very concerned about what to pay attention to and what the cost of shipping FBA America is. So today, I'd like to talk about what to pay attention to about shipping FBA America.

                1、What is American Haipai: American Haipai refers to the first transportation from China to the United States by sea. After customs clearance and unpacking at the basic port of the United States, it will be delivered by express or truck at the later stage. Express refers to ups/fedex and other express delivery in the later stage, while slow ship refers to truck delivery.

                2、 Choice of marine products: in order to avoid the problem of time efficiency due to terminal congestion, we can consider the fixed service of Masson or COSCO, as well as APL's EXX. Aplexx said that the speed is fast, but it also needs to observe the situation in the peak season. At present, several major shipping companies in the market have launched terminals with fast service.

                3、 Prevent UPS Express package loss: mainly by purchasing insurance to avoid risks. At present, the insurance procedures for cross-border insurance are also very simple. In peak seasons, especially for high value-added products, it is best to choose insurance.

                4、 Make an appointment for warehousing and direct delivery: if it is a regular stock in the peak season, you can consider direct delivery, so the cost is low, but you should reserve a week or two more safety stock than in the off-season to ensure that the logistics is not out of stock. Generally speaking, it is better to use less direct delivery in peak seasons. The cost of consignment delivery in the warehouse will be higher, but the reserved time can be better controlled.

                5、 Product selection prevention: special attention should be paid to product selection, because it has a great impact on customs clearance, and good product selection can help sellers control risks from the source. For example, Bluetooth products need authorization, some need FDA certification, etc., so it is necessary to get relevant certification first; If the seller doesn't want to do certification, it is suggested to do some other categories, so there is no risk of "sensitive products".

                6、 Customs inspection: it is necessary to declare to the customs when exporting from China and importing from the United States, which will inevitably encounter a small probability of inspection. If the export is declared to the customs, if it is inspected by the domestic customs, it may not catch up with the ship this week; When the goods are imported into the United States, if they are inspected by the U.S. Customs, it will take 5-7 days to process them. Therefore, customs inspection is one of the core factors affecting the effectiveness of Shanghai style, but this is a probability problem, which can not be interfered by human beings.

                7、 Master the key nodes of Shanghai Style: for example, the time of loading the container, the container number after loading, the name of the ship and the voyage, whether the ship has sailed on time, the estimated time of arrival, and whether the Customs has released it in time; How about the unloading status, the progress of container lifting and unpacking in the U.S. warehouse, whether it has been handed over to the express company / truck for delivery, and whether it has been successfully picked up; When the receipt will be given to you after delivery to Amazon warehouse, you can discuss it with the logistics provider in advance and ask their customer service to give feedback on these key links.
