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                How Amazon Sellers Choose US Overseas Warehouse Services

                2023-05-04 16:03:25 admin 1

                Currently, overseas warehouses can be divided into two categories: platform related overseas warehouses and independent third-party overseas warehouses. If it's an Amazon platform in the United States, it's FBA. Doing FBA on Amazon will give merchants a certain discount on their products, such as higher exposure and lower shipping costs. However, the risk is that the merchant's warehouse goods will be closely linked to the account. If there are issues with the account, it will be difficult to handle the inventory goods in Amazon's warehouse.

                If you choose a third-party American overseas warehouse, there are many and varied third-party American overseas warehouses in the market, and how to choose is a challenge. If you choose a poorly served American overseas warehouse, it may not only be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also result in poor service, and you may be deceived into losing goods. How to choose an overseas warehouse in the United States is a crucial aspect for cross-border e-commerce sellers.

                1. Does the US overseas warehouse have a mature operating system

                When selecting a third-party US overseas warehouse, consideration should be given to whether the order management system provided by the US overseas warehouse information system meets the needs of seller order integration. A mature system can not only meet basic operational requirements and apply big data technology to generate data reports such as inventory and sales orders, but also more efficiently and smoothly complete various processes, ensuring unobstructed communication and accurate and timely information transmission between sellers, buyers, and logistics companies

                2. Is the service of overseas warehouses in the United States comprehensive

                It should also be noted that in addition to providing overseas warehousing services, there are other additional services available in US overseas warehouses, such as returns and labeling, FBA transit, one piece shipping of products, product testing and refurbishment secondary listing, Haipai deduction, full container direct delivery, export, customs clearance, tax refund, legal support for warehousing facilities, and other business. A more comprehensive business can meet the various needs of customers, so that sellers do not need to separate their goods into different overseas warehouses to handle different services, which increases costs out of thin air.

                3. Size and location of US overseas warehouses:

                The scale of overseas warehouses mainly depends on the area of overseas warehouses and the daily average order processing volume. The larger the area and the higher the order processing volume, the more reliable it is naturally. The location of overseas warehouses in the United States affects the timeliness of final delivery and the cost of initial transportation. The overseas warehouses in the United States are generally divided into American East warehouses, American West warehouses, and American Middle warehouses. American West warehouses are close to China and have relatively short shipping time and low transportation costs in terms of sea freight; Meidong Warehouse covers 70% of the population and has an advantage in cargo delivery.

                4. Look at the professionalism of overseas warehouses in the United States:

                The main focus here is on the domestic and foreign teams in the US overseas warehouse. The domestic team mainly depends on whether the service is timely and whether it can effectively solve problems; The team in the United States mainly depends on whether their operations are timely and whether they understand some local laws and regulations, which can help sellers avoid some risks. For sellers, it can be more hassle free and cost saving.

                5. Is the price of overseas warehouses in the United States transparent

                When choosing an overseas warehouse in the United States, one should not blindly seek low prices, but rather examine whether the fees are reasonable and transparent, with the composition of fees being particularly crucial. What fees and operational details are all listed in the US overseas warehouse to help sellers avoid falling into traps.

                Cross border sellers can choose American overseas warehouses based on the above points, and of course, they need to choose according to their actual situation and needs. Doing an overseas warehouse requires pre stocking, as long as there is inventory, there is a risk of unsold goods. Therefore, when sellers choose to operate overseas warehouses, they must have a prediction of the product's sales. If the seller cannot have a good grasp of their product sales, it is recommended not to send too many products at the beginning. First, send some products to test sales, conduct sales analysis, and then make a large number of supplements.
